such a beautiful movie, with reserved yet powerful emotions. tangible history, really taught perspectives. love the parallels between the boy's futuristic space fantasy and the discovery of untold history. and perhaps we can learn from both.
本以为是个Netflix行活儿,不抱期待地看,拍得还挺动人(甚至让我理解了一丢丢古今之争那帮人为什么花了大力气在archaeology上......)。Edith和Basil之间未竞的情愫回味悠长,“What will survive of us in a thousand years. Margaret tells Rory that in their case, it will the metal wheels in his watch and perhaps some fragments of their china tea mugs. No nonsense about love." 让我想起《长日留痕》里英国管家的克制爱情 ~